Testimony from Ceuta – Cindy Rannazzisi

(I thought you would enjoy hearing from a team member who just returned from our short-term mission to Ceuta, Spain and Morocco. Cindy was such a blessing to every person she encountered, especially in our ministry to children and as a “Dental Assistant”...

Peru Report

What a time we had in Jesus! Our latest mission excursion to Peru was amazing and unforgettable. Gail and I flew to Lima on July 18 accompanied by our good friend and co-laborer in Christ, Rev. Jayme Randolph from Gratiot City, MI. Our intention for this trip,...


Recently, I finished reading a book about The Wright Brothers (by David McCullough). You may remember, Wilbur and Orville were the first to take flight in a machine they invented together. The brothers’ collaborative effort changed history. The Wrights were...

Four Days in Prague

The City of New Beginnings (def. Prague) was host to the 2016 FCF Europe Summit for Pastors and Church Leaders from all around the continent and United Kingdom. Twelve European nations were represented and guests from the U.S. including Pat Hagin-Harrison. The theme...

Asia Mission

Around the world in 62 days… 26 different flights; thousands of travel miles; 6 countries; 7 Leadership Summits; ministry to more than 250 church pastors, leaders, and students; over 100 pulpit hours between us; and more rice than we care to remember eating: our...