The Rhythm of a Sent One

Written by Bob Buse

December 16, 2024

“And [Jesus] went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons”  Mk.3:13-15

I find in this passage a beautiful description of order and rhythm revealed in Jesus’ relationship with the Twelve. It is a pattern for how Jesus works in our life; a priority for living like a Sent One.

“Jesus went up on the mountain.” This is significant because Jesus is always lifting us and encouraging us to go higher and further in relationship with Him. He calls us to come apart from the busyness and distractions of life and enjoy His company. From that high place He calls us because He wants us for Himself. Oh, happy day when Jesus invited us to come to Him. And happier still when we responded by joining Him.

Only after we respond to His call does He reveal His purpose for the invitation: to be with Him, FIRST. Think of all that is implied by being with Jesus. When we are with Him, we become like Him. Jesus told Martha, who was drawn away from His presence by the busy work of serving, “One thing is needful and Mary [your sister] has chosen the better part that shall not be taken away.” Mary, you will remember, chose to sit at the feet of the Master and learn of Him. We learn later that she expressed the highest worship anointing Jesus for His death and burial. The Apostle Paul expresses the same priority when he writes, “One thing I do… I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ.” That “upward call, I believe, is a call to know Him. These same disciples who Jesus called to Him were later recognized as being with Jesus because they exhibited the same boldness and works He did himslef (Acts 4). Our first calling is to be with Him.

Then, in the proper order, Jesus sends us out. Like the recurrent, life-sustaining rhythm of breathing in and out, we come to Him so that He can send us out. Think about how unnatural, indeed impossible, it is to inhale and never exhale. Isn’t it wonderful to fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and allow our spiritual cup to overflow; our soul to soar and joy to be made full? But this experience alone is incomplete. As long as we live in this world we are sent to heal, deliver and demonstrate the Kingdom to which we belong. One fine day the mission will be consummated, there will be no more sending, only abiding, but that day is not yet.

Even the laws of physics teach us about this rhythm. Centripetal force pulls items traveling in a circular motion toward the center. Like the earth orbiting the sun, the gravitational pull keeps the planet from spinning off into cosmic space. Conversely, centrifugal force moves items away from the center. If you have ever taken a sharp turn in a moving vehicle and feel like you’re being pushed out: that’s centrifugal force. What a perfect description of how the Church of Jesus Christ is intended to function: the Holy Spirit (force) pulls us in towards Christ in worship, then pushes us out into mission. God never draws us in without sending us out.

When Jesus sends us, we don’t go empty. We go forth with the same authority and power He demonstrated and delegated to the Twelve. His promise to those of us who believe is to do greater works than He did (Jn.14). We have the Promised Helper who fills us with this supernatural force. No Sent One has ever been better equipped.

If you are a pastor to God’s flock, it is your responsibility to synchronize His people to this life-giving tempo. The Church exists as people who are called out of this world to be with Christ and worship Him, while simultaneously sent into the world to proclaim and demonstrate His Kingdom.

As we enter into a New Year, it’s a good opportunity to evaluate your life to know if you are flowing in the rhythm of drawing near to Jesus and sent out by Him. Take time to learn of the Master then be aware of the many opportunities to reveal Jesus around you. Find His Rhythm. Wake up each day with the simple prayer of a Sent One – “Here I am, Lord.” Have a blessed New Year and abundant 2025!

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