Last year Gail and I went through an unexpected challenge which the Lord miraculously brought us through. In July, Gail was admitted into the hospital after several days of pain in her abdomen. CT scans revealed an obstruction in her colon which led quickly to a rupture and sepsis. She was rushed into emergency surgery. I remember vividly the surgeon sitting with me after surgery telling me my wife had a 50/50 chance of survival. His advice to me: “Keep your fingers crossed.”
Praise God, I did not fall apart emotionally when I heard those words, neither was I afraid. In fact, my first response was in faith, determined to trust God knowing what His promises are for life and healing. In that critical moment, one of my first thoughts was to find someone who would agree with me in faith. At times in life when faith is needed, you do a quick inventory of your relationships to know who is full of faith and knows how to pray the prayer of faith Jms.5:15. Thankfully, we have many FAITH-FULL friends!
At the same time you receive a bad report, it is important to keep doubt and unbelief away. There are very good, God-fearing people who simply don’t have faith or understand how to pray a prayer of faith. These dear saints are not the ones to seek company with in times of crisis.
In Mark 5 is recorded the story of Jairus who approaches Jesus for his little daughter who is at the point of death. (One reason desperate people sought the company of Jesus was His faith.) Jesus offered to come pray for her but along the way there arose a couple of obstacles. Some from Jairus household came with the news, “Your daughter is dead.” Immediately, Jesus dealt with any fear accompanying these troubling words. He replied, “Do not be afraid, only believe.” As if to say, don’t stop believing! You came to Me in faith… continue in faith!
The next thing Jesus does is very instructive. He permitted no one to follow Him to Jairus’ home except Peter, James and John. Why did He take such measures? I think He understood the negative power fear and unbelief can have on faith. When they got to Jairus’ home, Jesus put everyone out including those who were mourning the death and others who ridiculed His bold statement of faith (“The child is not dead, but sleeping.”) He took only the parents and His few disciples into the home. Jesus was managing the environment! He intentionally kept fear and unbelief out so as not to interfere with the miracle which was about to take place. Jairus’ daughter was raised from the dead!
One thing I learn from this story is to be careful who I surround myself with at a time of crisis. Words matter. Agreement is powerful. Faith is vital. Faith is recognized and expressed through words and corresponding works. I need the company of faith-filled believers to stand with me in difficult times. That is exactly what happened. My wife is alive today because of the collective faith of many.
Gail’s thoughts:
I have no recollection of being prepped for surgery. The last thing I remember was the doctors saying they heard no bowel sounds and the pain had increased. I received pain medication and from that point on I remember nothing until I woke up in the ICU. It was the faith of my husband and others that sustained me in that moment.
During the time I was heavily sedated in ICU, I heard Bob say he was tuning into the church service of Christian Faith Fellowship Church (NJ). Up to this point, I had been unresponsive. As the service progressed there came a time for corporate prayer. Bob had let Pastor Tom know I was in critical condition and things needed to turn around. My good friend, Brandy, led the congregation in corporate prayer for me. Her prayer was full of the Word and faith! (Weeks later I found the service on Facebook and listened to her prayer). Bob tells me that I nodded in agreement as Brandy prayed, my first conscious response following surgery. It was at that point things started to change and move in the right direction. When I finally woke in ICU, there was such a peace that surrounded me. I had the will to live. I had faith in God and His Word though still weak physically.
I am so thankful and amazed how I was carried by the people of faith who surround me with prayers and the Word of God. These are the company of believers that know who God is and what His will is concerning healing! They did not back down or relent but have been faithful each step of my recovery, walking with us in faith.
I am almost at the end of this journey. I will shortly have the surgery to reconnect my colon and stoma. Through this entire season, I hear God whisper, “I didn’t bring you this far for nothing.” I know that faith moves mountains! I know the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise them up! Praying loud, long prayers is not the answer…… It’s praying in faith and releasing the power available when a company of faith-filled believers are standing with you!
Life Lessons:
#1. When you are in the middle of a crisis and your faith is being tested, seek out the company of those who know how to trust God; pray a prayer of faith, believing and receiving His promise. #2. Be a person who is full of faith and available to agree with others who are facing a trial, persevering with them to the victory.