What a time we had in Jesus! Our latest mission excursion to Peru was amazing and unforgettable. Gail and I flew to Lima on July 18 accompanied by our good friend and co-laborer in Christ, Rev. Jayme Randolph from Gratiot City, MI. Our intention for this trip, (different from previous trips), was to spend time visiting pastors and churches leading up to the national Leadership Summit. This plan worked out wonderfully as we visited a dozen churches: holding services and having time to minister to leaders and workers in most of them.
After a week in Peru, we were joined by a team of 13 persons from Christian Faith Fellowship Church in New Jersey. The team prepared a Gospel presentation through human video, personal testimony and a children’s program performed in churches and in the streets. The entire team did an incredible job! We saw children, youth and adults come to Christ and had the opportunity to prayer for so many. The team made a great impartation.
This trip culminated with the FCF of Peru Annual Leadership Summit – four days of inspiration, revelation, and demonstration. This year’s theme was The Holy Spirit. Nearly 400 registered for the conference. About 100 are pastors; the rest leaders in churches. We didn’t get an exact count, but approximately 150 persons were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit ministered powerfully to those who attended. These Summits just keep on getting better!
One testimony of many that stands out… As our team delivered food to poor families in the jungle village of Pichanaqui, a woman with her 2 daughters prayed to ask Jesus into her life. We prayed for several people in this village as we went house-to-house demonstrating the love of Christ. Later that evening, in an open air meeting several more came forward to give their lives to the Lord. Pastor Hugo Ticsihua and his leaders are doing a great work in this place which is hidden deep in the Amazon Basin. God knows exactly where they are and sent us at the perfect time.
There are loads of people to thank for this successful trip. I begin with our Doulos Global partners: those who continue to help send us to serve the nations with their prayer and financial support; Pastor Omar Oscanoa and his precious wife Roxana; Rev. Jacko (Cubby) Oscanoa – an amazing servant of God; Eben-Ezer church in Tarma and all the faithful workers there; our team from CFFC in New Jersey and all the wonderful people who help send them, including Pastor Tom Feola, and of course, our Awesome Lord Jesus to Whom we give all the honor and glory for everything good accomplished in His Name.