Four Days in Prague

Written by Bob Buse

May 18, 2016

The City of New Beginnings (def. Prague) was host to the 2016 FCF Europe Summit for Pastors and Church Leaders from all around the continent and United Kingdom. Twelve European nations were represented and guests from the U.S. including Pat Hagin-Harrison. The theme was “A Time to Receive” which proved to be completely appropriate – the Lord, as usual, had plenty to deliver.

We experienced inspired times of worship and praise accompanied by timely and powerful messages from the Word. This was all punctuated by the move of the Holy Spirit throughout… everyone was lifted and challenged. All who attended are excited about the momentum God created and look forward to next year’s Summit.

One thing the Lord wanted us to know is this Summit represents a new beginning for FCF in Europe. The vision of FCF was first planted in England back in 1979 when a widower with four children, working in a shoe factory, saw the need for a Bible School which emphasized the Faith Message. The World Outreach Bible Institute began in Bath, England in January of ’81 when Gail and I traveled there to teach for six months. FCF followed up with church plants and “Faith Conventions” across the U.K and the Word of God spread. Since 1981 we have seen hundreds of believers sent back to Europe with the Gospel. What a privilege to return the blessing we received when our European brothers and sisters brought the Gospel to America centuries ago.

Having invested so much time in Europe, (we lived in Germany from 2002-06 serving as FCF European Directors), over 36 years of ministry there, Gail and I are honored and enormously gratified to be a part in what God is doing now. We continue to cherish the friendships we have had there for years and rejoice in the new generation of ministers who have connected with us. Ministers of the Gospel hunger for significant relationships which add value to their lives and ministries. I believe our mission to prepare leaders for tomorrow and assist leaders of today is vital in the vast harvest fields of Europe.

We never forget to give God thanks for all of you who help send us to serve the nations. Much fruit is abounding into your eternal account as people are continuing to receive God’s blessing through Doulos Global Ministries. Thank you for your persevering prayer and faithful financial support. We are doing it together.

Enjoy Spring wherever you may be and remain blessed always in Christ.



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