Asia Mission

Written by Bob Buse

April 10, 2016

Around the world in 62 days… 26 different flights; thousands of travel miles; 6 countries; 7 Leadership Summits; ministry to more than 250 church pastors, leaders, and students; over 100 pulpit hours between us; and more rice than we care to remember eating: our first missionary journey of 2016 is now complete. God is Faithful! He gave us much fruit from Asia on this trip and we trust the Word and ministry that took place will insure lasting fruit. It’s been a grand adventure!

There are many highlights from the trip. The ones that stand out are the opportunities to lay hands on bible school graduates, sending them out to their God ordained assignments. Also, praying for pastors heading back to their flocks inspired and encouraged. We have been blessed to experience the zeal and vision of Asians to reach their own people and beyond. Many open doors to plant new churches in least reached regions have emerged. We are looking forward to partnering with these pioneers in the near future.

It’s always fascinating to hear the personal stories people share (and frustrating when you don’t speak the language and miss those opportunities). Pastor Ritchell traveled for two days from another island to attend our Leadership Summit in Cebu City, Philippines. He testified before returning home of being challenged to lay aside the things that have limited him and trust God to do greater things through his church.

Pastor Gilbert and his congregation are reaching out from Cebu island to start a church on the island of Leyte. It will be a team effort. The entire church is excited to participate. Stories like his make all the sacrifice of travel worthwhile. As we “prepare leaders for tomorrow, assist leaders of today”* we are insuring a godly future in these nations.

Next up is some quality time with our girls, their husbands and the “GRANDS,” then some ministry stateside before heading to Europe on May 6th.

Thank you for your prayers to God on our behalf. We are constantly aware of the love, support and prayer cover of many who call our name out to God. For those who participate with us as financial partners, THANK YOU SO MUCH! You support helps us to continue to go and also pay the bills while we are away.

If you would like to join us as financial partners, any gift you share is greatly appreciated. You can send contributions to Doulos Global Ministries . P.O. Box 15495 . Brooksville, FL 34604, or, you can make a donation on our website:

We sincerely appreciate your partnership. You share in every life that is impacted through this ministry. God bless you richly and always in Christ.

Bob and Gail

P.S As a point of interest: on this trip we traveled by auto, plane, train, bus, motorcycle, boat, even cablecar.

*The Mission of Doulos Global Ministries

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