

We just completed three (3) days of meetings at Renaissance Church in Ternopil, Ukraine. Our theme for the weekend was FAITH. There was a large contingent of pastors from as far as Kiev – all hungry for truth. We experienced supernatural ministry of the Holy...

Albania Team

I have just returned from leading a mission team to Elbasan, Albania. Our team of ten (5 women, 5 men) were sent to work with Church of the Resurrection and assist Pastor Irfan Toska. This work was one of the first Christian churches planted in Albania after the...


“Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” Paul to Timothy Our target in being sent to serve the nations is primarily those who are called to and functioning as Ministry Gifts in the Church of Jesus Christ. The...
Victory in Peru

Victory in Peru

Friends, Rejoice with us in goods news from Peru! I just returned from two weeks of transformational ministry in the cities of Tarma, Hauncayo, and Lima. My travel companion, Pastor Jim McClelland, and I ministered for three days at the Eighth Annual Leadership Summit...

Tarma, Peru Report

  Yesterday we completed the eighth annual Tarma, Peru Leadership Summit – what a magnificent time of refreshing from the presence of God! Over 300 church pastors, ministry leaders and Helps ministers participated. The FCF National Representative and our...