Rejoice with us in goods news from Peru! I just returned from two weeks of transformational ministry in the cities of Tarma, Hauncayo, and Lima. My travel companion, Pastor Jim McClelland, and I ministered for three days at the Eighth Annual Leadership Summit in Tarma. Over 300 pastors, ministry leaders and Helps ministers gathered to receive from God. The ministry was focused around the theme “Divine Connections.” So many made those connections at this meeting, as many reported their lives were greatly impacted. Here are just a couple of their stories:
One man told me he had been a pastor in a denominational church for 63 years. The “leadership” of the organization told him he was too old for ministry and relieved him of his assignment. After attending the Tarma Summit, this precious saint related, through tears, how he is revived in his calling and excited to get back into a pastorate. I didn’t ask, but he must have been at least 80 years old.
Another pastor and his wife shared how they were discouraged and ready to quit. They were invited to the Summit but didn’t have the money to make the trip. They packed their bags in faith and God supernaturally provided at the last minute. Both shared how God blessed them through the teachings and personal ministry of the Holy Spirit. They returned home with a greater anointing and renewed hope. The people of their congregation noticed an immediate difference. A local school asked the pastor to share Christ with the student body. Over 200 children raised their hands to receive Jesus and now the pastor serves as the official school chaplain.
Presently, Gail is in Africa speaking at Summits in Kenya and South Africa. So, please lift her up in prayer in the next 10 days. I trust God to move through her mightily to bring blessing to more Ministry Gifts in the Church.
We treasure those of you who are joined with us in this ministry and thank God for you each day. Would you please consider helping with a financial gift to keep sending us to serve the nations?
Bob and Gail