“Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” Paul to Timothy
Our target in being sent to serve the nations is primarily those who are called to and functioning as Ministry Gifts in the Church of Jesus Christ. The passion of our hearts is preparing leaders for tomorrow and assisting leaders of today. For this reason we find such great joy in doing Leadership Summits around the world. These meeting put us in close contact with faithful men and women who impact the lives of multiplied hundreds more. Gail and I feel a great affinity for these warriors and there is a special anointing in our lives to help them finish their race.
Most people who have not walked in the shoes of a spiritual leader will not appreciate the time they get to come apart for refreshing and renewal. In many instances, the leader has come to the end of the line when they show up at a Summit. One word of affirmation from God [through another]; one genuine hug from a caring co-laborer; one nod of understanding from an empathetic listener can make the difference between resigning in defeat and running towards the battle with new found courage. How do you capture those moments in images or those turning points in a life with words?
Trust us when we tell you, by sending us to these precious pastors and workers, you are participating in life-changing, world changing ministry. We are blessed to go as Christ’s Ambassadors and your representatives. With enormous gratitude in our heart to God we pray for you, our partners, each day. May the eyes of your heart be flooded with light to know what a difference you are making in the world.
God bless you richly and always in Christ Jesus.
Bob and Gail – Bond-servants of Christ