Meet Us for Ministry in Bangkok

Meet Us for Ministry in Bangkok

This Autumn, Gail and I will be on mission in several Asian countries. We want to invite you to join us for a mission in Bangkok, Thailand in early November 2019. Our Team will assist Gerda Liebmann and her ministry – Visual Arts Mission Asia. Gerda uses her...
Join us in Cuba – September 2023

Join us in Cuba – September 2023

Doulos Global is sponsoring a short-term Mission to Cuba on September 7-15, 2023. Our Team will be working with Nueva Vida, a church outside of Havana city. In just four years the church has grown to over 400 persons. They have a fantastic vision for reaching their...
A Daughter’s Devotion

A Daughter’s Devotion

Gail and I have raised our two daughters to live like sent ones. From the time they were toddlers we would bring them with us on overseas mission trips. Both girls have traveled abroad independently and with their families. They now work in the secular world using...
Live from Bolivia

Live from Bolivia

We just finished a magnificent week of ministry week in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia! Our Team of 14 made a great impact on the community, doing ministry in schools, hospitals, city parks and out on the streets. Hundreds of people made a commitment to follow...
Why Plant New Churches?

Why Plant New Churches?

“The ultimate fulfillment of the Great Commission is church planting. Any Great Commission initiative that does not result in the forming of new churches misses the mark.” Dave Early It is very popular to talk about and participate in church planting movements today....