This Autumn, Gail and I will be on mission in several Asian countries. We want to invite you to join us for a mission in Bangkok, Thailand in early November 2019. Our Team will assist Gerda Liebmann and her ministry – Visual Arts Mission Asia. Gerda uses her gifts as an artist to share Christ with persons of all ages. She primarily ministers to persecuted Christians who have fled to Thailand seeking asylum. Their presence in Bangkok is illegal, so most are in hiding. Many have family members in jail for violating immigration laws.
Our Team will be visiting these refugees in their homes, bringing food and encouragement. We will also prepare care packages and deliver them to their family members in the jail. We will visit the Montagnard Community for rice distribution and Children’s Bible study, and the Hmong Learning Center ministering to students and helping Gerda in art classes. There will also be opportunity to give testimony at a couple of Christian churches in the city. The Team will be traveling around the capital city of over 8 million people praying for open doors and hearts, ready for any opportunity the Lord has arranged.
The dates for this Mission are November 1-12 (includes travel days). The Mission Trip will cost $1,500 which includes all expenses once you arrive in Bangkok. Team members are responsible to arrange and pay for their roundtrip airfare from Newark Liberty International Airport.
There is limited space on this team. Including Gail and I, the Team will not be more than 8 persons. If the Lord impresses you to be a part of this mission to Bangkok, please contact Gail or me at OR You can secure a place on the Team by making a $100 deposit at, designate for “Bangkok Mission” Fund. We will contact you with more details and provide a Support Letter to help inform partners, build prayer support and raise funds. Get ready to be used in Thailand.