Much Fruit – DG Testimonies

Written by Bob Buse

February 12, 2019

Beloved Partners,

We want you to hear what others are saying about their experience with Doulos Global SPRINT Schools, HUDDLES, and Mission Teams. This is real and lasting fruit of ministry. These represent transformed lives. We can all celebrate together because, together, we made these happen.

Thank God for you and your partnership with Doulos Global.

I thank God for the [SPRINT School] we had in Kakamega [Kenya]. I was personally blessed [by] all the teaching [Identity in Christ, Prayer and Mission]. I have introduced this in my church and am expecting more church growth in Turbo [Kenya] Living Hope Gospel Church. My desire is that after one year we should have a group that can be sent out in the mission field fulfilling Jn.17:18 & Mk.16:15-20.
Pastor Boaz Litala – SPRINT School Kenya

[T]hank God for you Mam and Dad for the great vision you have to move the Church in different level of accountability and responsibility of what they are doing and where they are going. And much more the church to identify her role in the area, city, nation and the region wherein she is operating. What helped me much with SPRINT School is to organize my life, my family and the work which God has called me and how to do it better.
Jonah Shirutsi – SPRINT School Kenya

I am so grateful to God to have brought you in my life. The SPRINT School was a blessing to me. It helped me to rediscover the purpose of my calling to build the people that God has brought into my life. The prayer time was so good. I had intimate relationship with God.
Harrison Songa – SPRINT School – Kenya

We were blessed to have attended a 4 day [SPRINT School] sponsored by Bob and Gail. It was a time of focusing our vision, teaching, and refreshing. We were greatly encouraged and challenged.
Jim and Sue Christie – SPRINT School Kenya

Since we been together in Tarma for the SPRINT School, it really change my life and immediately I start my Life Plan and it really helped me. God is moving in a great way in my life.
Jacko O. SPRINT School – Peru

Thank you for your teachings. I would like to share what I learned in my country because the same situation that Venezuela is going through, many churches have fallen down. I ask God that I can return to my country and share and teach what you taught us.
Jose Canelon Barreto SPRINT School – Peru

Beloved Bob and Gail, for us it was the honor of welcoming you and sharing the short time you were in our city and church. It was comforting and healthy for our lives to hear you speak and bless us. Our plans and our heart are always in the work of our beloved Jesus. We are praying for our country, town and cities not yet reached. God knows we have advanced according to His grace, even counting on the few resources we have, we have done what He has allowed us. It would be great for you to help us and God knows how much we have prayed for having fellow travelers who have their heart in the work of God without thinking of gain but in the wonderful joy of seeing souls prostrate before Him, which is our supreme joy.
Armando dos Santos Werner – Sprint HUDDLE – Uruguay

I was overwhelmed because I saw God in myself. I never saw God work through me like that. Tracy C. – Kenya Medical Mission

You do come home with more of a hunger to do more. There is something in you to go further and do more than what you have been doing. Amber T. – Kenya Medical Mission

To step out of my comfort zone and pray for other people and encourage others is what God did in my life. Kassi J. – Kenya Medical Mission

[T]his was a very successful mission and yes, a big WIN. Great experiences with great opportunities all around. Pastor Terry M. – Kenya Medical Mission

The most profound thing that I came away with was a greater appreciation and contentment in my own circumstances. This is freeing for me. I truly feel I received much more than I gave. Amy D. – Kenya Medical Mission

I stood in awe of the Lord’s consistency showing up in power and might when we visited people in their mud huts in Kakamega. We were always welcomed into their homes. For the people that opened their hearts to listening to how much Jesus loves them and is here for them and when we laid hands on them and prayed, our heavenly Father’s flood gates of grace, mercy, comfort and compassion powered into the small rooms and met them right where they were. We witnessed this time and time again on our home visits. I am grateful, amazed and stand in awe of an awesome, all powerful God.
Brenda W. – Kenya Medical Mission

I want to thank you for the opportunity to be part of the Kenya Missions Trip. Being a sent one to the community at Kakamega and surrounding villages has greatly impacted me. God is using the trip to clarify His vision for my life. As a retired nurse it was a desire of mine to go on a medical missions trip. In short, it was the most impacting missions trip I have participated in, and I have been on eight missions trips.
Sandra Shepherd – Kenya Medical Mission

Such rich words and ministry to our ministers (Bible college and church). [Bob and Gail] always have such a powerful impact on our people when they come.
Eunice Mwangi – Sprint HUDDLE Kenya

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