Live from Bolivia

Written by Bob Buse

October 11, 2018

We just finished a magnificent week of ministry week in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia! Our Team of 14 made a great impact on the community, doing ministry in schools, hospitals, city parks and out on the streets. Hundreds of people made a commitment to follow Jesus. The host church, Centro de Fe y Espanoza, and Pastor Leopoldo were deeply touched and grateful beyond words for the encouragement they received. Some on our team dedicated most of their time and talent to the construction of the new church facility, working side-by-side with the men of the church. It was a beautiful thing to watch the synergy between the Bolivian believers and the Doulos Global Team. We all gained new friendships. Our family is now enlarged with Bolivian brothers and sisters in Christ.

   Thank you to all who helped send the Team and prayed for our ministry. We made adjustments to our ministry plans each day, but the end results were amazing. Everyone kept a great attitude, adapted and contributed their part. Gail and I agree – this was one of the best Teams we have had the privilege to lead. Thank you to each one for your obedience and sacrifices you made to be a sent one. And to those who sent us – you will receive the reward with us.

The Team is now on there way to their homes – from Germany to New Jersey to Hawaii. We move on to Argentina and Uruguay for 7 days. More good news to report. Pray for us.

Sent to Serve the Nations,

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