I Like to Move it

This is not simply the title to a hit song from Disney’s popular animated movie, Madagascar. This should be a rally cry in the Church. Jesus did not come just to establish an institution, but to lead a movement. This movement began in the book of Acts (aptly...

Come to Lviv, Ukraine

Doulos Global Ministries is co-sponsoring a Ministry Tour to Ukraine in May of 2017.  The dates for the Tour are May 12-20, 2017. The Tour “team” will be staying in the historic city of Lviv*. The Tour Host will be Rev. Mark Willhite (Praise Life Ministries). Mark has...

Five Days in Haiti

Blow in, blow up and blow out is not my favorite thing to do, but this describes my recent trip to Haiti. It has been 30 years since I was first in this island nation. It remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. You may remember Haiti suffered a...
What is a Doulos?

What is a Doulos?

People ask me all the time, What is a Doulos? Great question! And the answer is one we should all be intimately familiar with because it has to do with our personal identity; to be specific: our identity in Christ. Doulos is the Greek word for slave. It is found 124...

Fruit from the Caribbean

Dear Friends and Partners, Gail and I returned yesterday from 7 days of ministry in the Dominican Republic. (We were held up I night in Miami to allow for Hurricane Matthew to clear out of the Caribbean.) We had 2 blessed days with leaders from 2 churches who came...