Fruit from the Caribbean

Written by Bob Buse

October 12, 2016

Dear Friends and Partners,

Gail and I returned yesterday from 7 days of ministry in the Dominican Republic. (We were held up I night in Miami to allow for Hurricane Matthew to clear out of the Caribbean.) We had 2 blessed days with leaders from 2 churches who came together for training. Everyone was greatly inspired by the teaching. Gail and I split up Sunday morning to minister in both churches. There was also special time with both pastors to strategize and make plans for the future. The D.R. has a key role to play in the Kingdom of God in these Last Days. They have a rich deposit of the Gospel and the resources to spread the Word to everyplace.

One special experience on this trip was reuniting with a church I (Bob) was sent to over 30 years ago. Gail and I have made significant impartations into the founding Pastor and congregation over the years. It is a unique church in that they have sent many leaders who are now pastoring churches and traveling throughout world. It is now pastored by the founder’s daughter and husband. They have taken the work to another level in God; they are reaching more people than ever, and maintain their apostolic zeal. It was a delight being with them as they celebrated their 31st Anniversary. How gratifying to see fruit that remains from our labors over 30 years.

Next stops, meetings in the U.S.: New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma. I (Bob) return to the Caribbean in December to visit Haiti. Continued THANKS for tracking us and for your faithful prayer support. We could not do what we do without you.


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