Divine Appointments

One of the clear indicators that distinguish the life of a Sent One are Divine Appointments. A Divine Appointment (DA) is a person-to-person connection which is specifically and unmistakably ordered by God. These DAs are evidence God has a grand purpose for each of us...

Table Ministry

Some of the most profound and lasting experiences in God have transpired across a table as people share a meal together. We have been both on the giving and receiving end of these life changing moments when the table has become a sacred place where God’s...

Join Us in South Africa

Gail and I want to invite you to join us in South Africa this September for a amazing time of ministry. This short-term mission opportunity is extended to those who are partners and friends of Doulos Global Ministries. Our hosts, Mike and Laura Young, are native South...

The Incarnational Life

“As you have sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” Jesus prayed these words to His Father just before He went to the cross. He is praying particularly for the men God had given Him from “out of the world” – His...

Cuba – A Great and Effectual Door

The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Corinth stating, a “wide door for effective service” (1 Co.16:9 NAS) had opened to him. This phrase best describes my recent trip to Cuba which, I believe, makes the way for much fruitful ministry in the coming days....