Gail and I want to invite you to join us in South Africa this September for a amazing time of ministry.
This short-term mission opportunity is extended to those who are partners and friends of Doulos Global Ministries.
Our hosts, Mike and Laura Young, are native South Africans who have done ministry throughout Southern Africa nations for many years. They also serve as Southern Africa Representatives with Faith Christian Fellowship International.
The dates for this mission are Sunday, September 11 through Friday, September 21.
Our Team will be serving together in Johannesburg and with churches in the surrounding communities of Brits and Orange Farm. We will do a combination of activities including ministry to children, youth and adults in church services, food distribution, erecting Vegitunnels, and some other light work projects (i.e. painting and building repairs). The team will also participate in a Leadership Summit for pastors and church leaders in New Castle. We will also have a day to enjoy an authentic African Safari in Pilanesberg (perfectly safe, of course).
The team will depart from New York and fly to Johannesburg, S.A. where they join up with Gail and I. The approximate cost of this trip is $2,200. Each team member is responsible to raise the entire cost of the trip, comply with due dates for payments and attend each Prep Meeting leading up to the trip. Doulos Global will provide a Donation Letter to help raise funds. All payments and contributions will be handled through the Accounting Office of Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Franklin, NJ.
What a great opportunity to serve the beautiful people and experience the fascinating culture of South Africa. You will also produce lasting fruit for the Kingdom of God. God willing, we look forward to sharing this experience with you.
If you desire to join this team please contact us immediately at Your spot on the team will be secured with a $150 non-refundable deposit (applied to the total trip cost).
Bob and Gail Buse
Additional Information
Dates: September 11-21
Flights: Depart JFK 9:55pm, Monday, Sept. 11. Arrive Johannesburg, Sept.12 8:30am.
Return 1:30pm, Thursday, Sept.21 JFK 1:30pm.
(Additional airfare costs will apply to those connecting with the team from other parts of the U.S.).
Carrier: Lufthansa – with a connection in Frankfurt, Germany both ways.
Requirements: All team members…
Must be active members in a church and have endorsement of your Pastor.
Must have agreement of spouse or guardian.
Must read A Manual for a Short-term Mission.
Must attend (via conference call) or listen to (recording) all Prep Meetings for trip.
Must have current U.S. Passport (cannot expire within 6 months of travel).
Must pay for entire trip and meet financial deadlines.
No inoculations are REQUIRED to enter S.A.
Entry visa granted upon entry into S.A. as tourist – no charge (travelers must have 2 unstamped pages in their passport).
Accommodations: Team will stay in Johannesburg and New Castle in modest B&B type facilities. There are two persons per room.
Food: Edible and safe
Dress: Mostly casual with one outfit for manual labor and a couple of business-casual outfits for church services. (Business casual means button down shirts, no jeans for guys; skirts or dresses for ladies). Shorts only for down time with Team: not to be worn in public.
Currency: The cost of the trip ($2,200) includes all expenses except personal effects and souvenirs. Conversions between U.S. Dollar and S.A. Rand will fluctuate.
Climate: September is Spring in South Africa: typically sunny and mid-70’s daytime; evening 50’s.