Reaching The Unreached

Written by Bob Buse

June 14, 2022

Two years ago I spoke at a Leadership Summit in Eastern Nepal. When I returned home I was contacted by a young pastor who attended the Summit. He wrote, “I am pastor Chet -, leading Alpha Church as senior pastor. We began this church before 12 years and we have more than 500 members. We are located in small town named Lamki, in far west Nepal.

Till now i was just willing to establish and run one church. The [Leadership Summit] was very benefiting for me. I am totally inspired to send our youths in new places. As we prayed, God has shown us some places where there is no church. We are praying to preparing 10 youths to send.”

Since then Doulos Global has partnered with Pastor Chet for several missions high in the Himalayas to unreached people. These outreach teams have distributed Covid Relief which has opened some amazing doors for evangelism. Recently we began to sponsor 2 church planters in the mountain region. Wonderful testimonies are coming from this partnership. I thought you would like to see and hear for yourself.


“Kalpana is a Nepali girl married to an Indian man for 16 years. She has a 14 year-old son and 8 year-old daughter. Some of her mother’s family members are our church members. When she visited her mother’s family during the Covid lockdown, she had the opportunity to hear about Jesus. We prayed for her family and business too.

Before she came to Christ, Kalpana was very “religious” lady – a great devotee of the goddess Durga. Her family had a temple with large idol of Durga inside their house. She believed and acted as someone who carries the spirit of Durga. Many villagers used to come to see their future and get delivered when they were possessed by other evil spirits.

Kalpana’s life was normal until suddenly she became sick. She developed small wounds in her whole body. She knew it was something working evil or magic in her body. She prayed and asked help from her goddess Durga – there was no answer. Kalpana went to a witch doctor who told her someone had done magic and bound her power of goddess Durga. Kalpana began to doubt her goddess, “If she is almighty, why is she bound and cannot recover me”. God was working in her and she called on Jesus. She prayed and confessed Christ as Savior through phone, (there is no church in her whole area). The next morning her wounds began drying. After two weeks her husband accepted Jesus as Lord and they threw away the temple and idol Durga which was in their house.

This week Kalpana and her husband came to Lamki, Nepal and took water baptism. After a week they returned to their area. We are praying and preparing them to lead a fellowship in their local area. The Gospel is reaching the unreached. Lives are being touched, transformed, and trained.

Along with Kalpana, another family, delivered from taking their lives in mass suicide during the lockdown, were also baptized. Your contribution was life saving for that family.

(The 2 paralyzed girls shown on the video are recovering. They decided to follow Jesus, dedicated their life to Him, and were baptized. We are so glad they know Christ as Lord.”

Check out the video documentary from the church outreach.

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