Dear Friends and Partners,
I want to let you know about a short-term mission opportunity we are sponsoring through Doulos Global Ministries next year. On September 4-12 we will be leading a team to Ceuta, Spain for ministry. Ceuta is a Spanish territory located on the north coast of Africa. It shares a western border with Morocco and is directly across from the Iberian Peninsula and Gibraltar at the boundary of the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Ceuta is a strategic city for Gospel outreach in that it is a convergence point for several ethnic and religious groups and African migrants trying to get into Europe.
Our team will be working with Pastor Cesar Gill, who oversees New Life Center in Melilla (sister city to Ceuta in North African. Pastor Gil has recently planted a new church in Ceuta. He reports a great open door to the Gospel and liberty to share Christ freely throughout the city. Our team will be helping with street evangelism, in church services and participate in a city-wide outreach event in partnership with Convoy of Hope (an international faith-based humanitarian organization). We will also take a day-trip to Algiers, Morocco to pray and experience the Muslim culture.
The cost for this trip is $1700. This includes airfare (from JFK\NYC), travel insurance, ground transportation, room and board, and a donation to New Life Center and Doulos Global Ministries. A deposit of $100 is needed as soon as possible to secure your space on the team. There is room for only 12 persons. Deposits and subsequent payments toward the trip balance should be sent to:
Doulos Global Ministries
P.O. Box 15495
Brooksville, FL 34604
Checks should be made payable to “Doulos Global Ministries.” After we receive your deposit, we will send out more trip details and a generic letter you can use to recruit prayer and financial partners.
If this opportunity appeals to you, please let us hear from you as quickly as possible. You can respond directly to me at If you need more information to make a decision, include your phone # in your email and I will call you.
Thanks for your passion to reach and impact people around the world with the love of Jesus.
I hope to lead you to Ceuta for a life-changing trip.