“For what thanks can we render to God for you, for all the joy with which we rejoice for your sake before our God, night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your faith.” ! Thess. 3:9, 10
One of the benefits of travel and longer stays in one place is getting to know people more intimately and allowing them to know you. This relational based strategy of ministry was important to the apostle Paul. In writing to the fledgling church in Thessalonica, he expressed concern for their faith. His desire was to visit them in person in order to add to any deficiency in their faith. This kind of ministry is highly intentional and produces more lasting fruit.
Our recent 10 day visit in Hungary gave us the opportunity to learn and locate where the saints are in their faith walk. With this understanding, we were able to target areas in our ministry both to the leaders and congregations. What a joy to be with Istvan and Eva Nagy once again. They have pioneered 9 churches in Hungary and Serbia. We visited and had services at most of the works. At least 14 people gave their lives to Christ and several persons testified to instant healing in their body. The churches were encouraged to persevere in the faith. It was a precious time of building relationship and partnership with these people.
Typically, our time with the leaders of the different churches was most valuable. We had two days of quality time with the core leadership team. What a wonderful group of fully devoted followers of Jesus!
It excites us to hear and see Istvan and Eva’s passion for apostolic ministry – church planting. Their only limitation is raising up mature leaders to appoint over the new works. They continue to address this need by offering Bible training. Already 60 persons have completed the curriculum they use. We pray for God to send more laborers to this great harvest field in Eastern Europe.
One priceless testimony: During our meeting in Serbia 5 gypsies attended the church for the first time invited by a church member. They were supposed to be working in the field that day but it was raining. When the invitation to accept Jesus was given at the end of the service, all of them raised their hands boldly and prayed a “Sinners Prayer.”
Thank you for helping send us to places like Hungary, Ukraine, Albania, and more. It was an amazing trip with lots of confirmation that we are right in the center of God’s will, doing what He has called us to do. Your partnership with us vital and very much appreciated. Rejoice with us in all God has done!