Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart

For a period of time now, I have been pondering certain New Testament scriptures that are warnings for the Body of Christ in the last days. I wonder how many of us give careful attention to what the Holy Spirit is saying, as He prepares believers to stand in these...
Anatomy of a Sending

Anatomy of a Sending

God is a sending God. Nearly all the encounters God initiates with people in the Bible, He is sending them. His sendings come through visions, dreams, angelic visitations, the voice of His Spirit, the church. However they may come, sendings have the same purpose: to...
A Martyr’s Life

A Martyr’s Life

What is similar about these two images? Both depict a person(s) who is prepared to die for what they believe. Both are acts of submission. The motivation is identical – through death, to testify to a truth which they are prepared to pay the ultimate price. Both...
Follow the Ant

Follow the Ant

  The ant is a magnificent creature. It is mighty among midgets able to lift over 100 times it’s own weight. It has amazing planning and organizational skills. Ants have no hierarchal order; they work together in teams organized with a work ethic that is...
Grace – God’s Answer to Everything

Grace – God’s Answer to Everything

“Concerning this (a messenger of Satan given to torment me) I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my...