Written by Bob Buse

March 2, 2022

We welcome you to join Doulos Global Ministries on a short-term mission trip to Zimbabwe in the fall of this year. Our team will assist Eternal Word Ministry in the capital city of Harare with ministry at House of Hope orphanage, schools and home visitations. We also will spend time in rural village Redzo where Doulos Global has helped build a church, a parsonage and dug a well. We will assist with painting, carpentry work, home visits, food distribution, Youth and Women’s ministry.

Our host, Apostle Tatenda Gunguwo, has been serving in Zimbabwe for over 40 years. He has been involved in evangelism, discipleship, church planting, medical outreach, and prison ministry. Tatenda has cared for orphans and at-risk children for 30 years through an organization called Horizon Zimbabwe. He has also founded two schools for the orphans and vulnerable children of Zimbabwe.

The dates of this trip are October 19-29, 2022. The cost will be approximately $2,000. This includes round-trip airfare from Newark Liberty Int’l Airport, accommodations, food and in-country travel.  A Covid-19 vaccination is not presently required for entry into Zimbabwe. However, each team member will need to provide a negative PCR test before leaving the U.S. and again before returning home. This is required even if you have received the vaccination. (Any restrictions due to the Covid virus are subject to change.)

Required to join the Team:
• Must be a follower of Jesus Christ and be active in a local church
• Must have agreement or consent of spouse or legal guardian (A recommendation from your pastor may be necessary.)
• Have current U.S. Passport (not to expire before 4/31/2023
• Raise all funds for trip and meet the due-dates for payments
• Arrange and pay for your air transportation
• Attend or listen to recording of all Prep. Meetings
• Read or listen to Manual for a Short-Term Mission

Next Steps:
Secure your spot NOW on the Team with a $100 deposit. To make a deposit go to the Doulos Global website (https://doulosglobal.org). Link to “donate” page (https://doulosglobal.org/donate/). Select “Zimbabwe Mission – 2022.” OR, send a check, payable to “Doulos Global Ministry,” to Doulos Global, P.O. Box 15495, Brooksville, FL 34604. Please include your contact information with your deposit. Deposits are non-refundable and applied to total cost of the trip. As soon as we receive yours, we will contact you with more details for the trip and provide a Support Letter to raise funds.

We would love for you to join us for this opportunity in the Lord’s harvest. If you have any questions related to the trip, please contact me a lorrainelaucella@yahoo.com

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