A New Beginning

Written by Bob Buse

May 13, 2015

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:” Eccl.3:1

Don’t you love the different seasons? Well, most of them anyway. We just came through another brutal winter, so it was a delight to receive the Spring. It’s like everything comes back to life; a fresh start; a new beginning.

Gail and I are about to enter a new season in our life and ministry. It feels very much like a New Beginning. Many different sensations are happening inside and around us all at once. Transition is almost always arduous, but it certainly makes it easier when you understand God’s purpose. We believe with all our heart God is leading us; directing our steps; sending us to the world – together – again.

Gail and I started out in ministry together in September of 1980. Our journey began with a “sending” to the Caribbean island of Jamaica. It was the first of many similar sendings and the beginnings of great adventures around the world. When our children were born, we entered a new season. Child bearing led to child rearing, and then child launching. For most of that time I was doing the majority of the traveling – alone. In the last 5 years, Gail has been serving as International Ambassador for FCF Int’l while I have been serving in the local church. We’ve been on parallel tracks of ministry that occasionally would cross. In this new season we will be doing God’s business side-by-side, on the same track – the way we started out.

Now, as we re-launch, we have the benefit of over 35 years of ministry experience and lessons learned. We are excited to see how acquired wisdom and the gifts of God in our life will flow together to bless others. We are incorporating our ministry for the first time under the name Doulos Global Ministries. Doulos is the Greek word translated in the New Testament as “servant,” which means a bond slave: we are bond slaves of Christ, called to serve people. Doulos is the title we identify with most as we move forward.

It is our fervent desire that you will join us as family, friends and partners in this next season of ministry. The great Missionary Statesman and Pastor, Oswald Smith, once said, “Attempt great things for God – expect great things from God.” That is exactly what we intend to do! We hope to share the fruits of our labor with anyone who cares to join us. You can follow us regularly on this website, through Facebook or Twitter.

“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” Jesus

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