“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16
To me, this remains the definitive Christmas scripture verse. It captures the true and full meaning of Christmas. Because God loved us, first, He gave His best, Jesus – “the unspeakable gift.” The true joy of Christmas is in giving. Giving is not reserved for just one day of the year: we should participate in the joy of giving every day. Make “live to give” your life motto and you will never do without. Winston Churchill said it well, “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.”
What is the absolute best gift I can give this year? It may seem vain or egotistical but my answer is MYSELF. The best gift I can give to anyone is ME. Think about this: what do the most important people in your life want from you for Christmas? The same thing they always want (even if they don’t realize it). Those who love you want you: your presence, love, conversation, humor, wit and wisdom, good nature, encouragement… every good thing that is in you because of Jesus. Important people in your life will treasure the memories they make with you.
This Christmas, consider giving the gift of you to the people you love beginning with your Father in Heaven. The gift of your fellowship, worship, obedience, devotion is the best you can give to Him. The reason He gave His Son is so He could have you, exclusively, entirely. He wants to shower His grace and love upon you forever. WOW! What a thought! You have already come gift wrapped. You are made in His image and likeness. He recreated you and sees you perfect in His Son, Jesus. When we glorify our Father with our life, we reflect Who He is to the world. This is the greatest gift we can give Him.
Who is next in importance in your life? Your spouse, children, friends, extended family…? I guarantee those who truly value you, desire time with you. During the holidays give them your full attention, listen to understand, offer acceptance, encouragement, forgiveness… the things everyone crave. Simple acts of kindness may be worth more to a loved one than the most expensive gift that can be brought at a store. Remember, Jesus’ humble birth seemed insignificant in a lowly Bethlehem stable. Yet, God’s gift of His Son changed the world. Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. When you honor and esteem your life as the Father does, you will understand how precious you are to others.
I suggest the third most important person in your life after Your Heavenly Father and those you love is you. You can decide to make an investment in you. This is a time of the year when people think about making a fresh start; new commitments to change some things in their life. It is possible to become so caught up with the busyness of life and taking care of others, you neglect your own spiritual, emotional, and physical health. Choose to make a gift to yourself by taking care of yourself. Again, this is not vanity. It’s sanity. We cannot be the best gift to God and others unless we take care of our whole being. Take a holistic and balanced approach to life in this New Year. Convince yourself, you are worth it. Become accountable to a close friend who will help you be consistent and become a better you. Make a gift to your wellbeing this year.
Let your heart overflow with so much love you must give yourself unreservedly, unconditionally to Father God, others and yourself. You will receive the greater joy.
Joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.