“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-13
What is a SPRINT School? The concept of SPRINT Schools was conceived after much reflection upon the fruit of ministry over 40 years. Gail and I started in ministry together (1980) establishing and teaching in international Bible Schools. Along our journey we have spoken at numerous and varied conferences, seminars, specialized schools and classes for church workers, teams and Leadership Summits. We have had opportunity to experiment with methods of training/equipping that have proven effective and others that have not. SPRINT Schools are the product of a “pruning process” we have gone through – eliminating the unfruitful elements of training – with a desire to see the most fruit possible in the ministry assigned to us.
Much of the worker\leader training we have done in the past relied heavily on sharing information and inspiration. Less emphasis was placed on building relationships and following up with those who participated in learning. SPRINT Schools are intentionally relational and committed to sustainable relationships.
The philosophy of SPRINT Schools is based on the principles of desire and stewardship. Those who hunger and thirst (desire)… will be filled. We have observed over the years that people who make an investment in their personal growth, even to the point of sacrifice, receive more than others. We have also witnessed good stewards make the effort to pass along what has been entrusted to them. As they do, they receive greater benefit.
SPRINT School places more emphasis on the character of those who are trained than the quantity of people who attend. It is not simply the accumulation of knowledge that prepares one for life and ministry. Transformation takes place when a student can see spiritual truth modeled before them. There is no impact without contact. As teachers in the SPRINT School, we invite students close enough to observe the example of our life.
In the arena of athletics, a sprint is a short distance run at full speed. It requires high energy, intense focus and an instant response: precisely the kind of culture we want to create in these schools. There are certain key words which are descriptive of the experience we desire for each student.
Short – SPRINT Schools are from 3-5 days long. Schools can run consecutively – monthly, quarterly, annually -building upon each one.
Small – Schools are typically no more than 15 students. The smaller the group, the more intimate the setting; the more intimate the setting, the more intense the experience; the more intense the experience, the greater impact on the life.
Selective – The Bible teaches the principle of selection – qualifying before appointment. Biblically, leaders were chosen who fit specific criteria. Paul instructed his spiritual son, Timothy, to select and commit to “faithful men” the things he received from Paul’s life example.
Practical – Schools emphasize practical application of spiritual truth – the “how-to’s” for life and ministry preparation.
Relational – Teaching and learning are more effective in the context of relationships. SPRINT Schools promote an intimate relationship between teacher, learner and students that will continue beyond the classroom.
Interactive – SPRINT Schools are patterned after the Socratic Method which encourages interaction between instructors and pupils.
Inspirational – The SPRINT School experience incites students to discovery and action on truth they receive.
New or Fresh – Modeling is the primary method of impartation in SPRINT Schools. Instructors are transparent, available and intentional about being an example of what they teach.
Transformational – The goal of SPRINT School is growth and increase in life and ministry.
“And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2
Who qualifies for SPRINT School? The qualifying process does not discriminate by gender, age, ethnicity, socio/economic status or any other distinctive. Those chosen to participate are…
· Hungry, humble and a hard working;
· Proven faithful to a ministry and relationships over period of time;
· Committed to teach others – pass along – what they receive;
· Have a passion for personal growth and ministry increase;
· Value relationships with those over, under and beside them;
· Invest in their own learning experience and growth;
· Trust God as their Source of sustenance.
Equipping the saints for service is about both context and content. The context for SPRINT Schools is an intense yet intimate environment which is highly relational as we learn and grow together. The content of each SPRINT School will vary depending on the regional need. An emphasis on Prayer and Biblical Missions is an integral part each School. Other subjects that may be taught are God’s Guidance, New Creation Realities, Knowing God Through Covenant, the Life of Faith, Church Growth and Planting, the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit and more. Guest instructors may occasionally be asked to contribute.
If you are interested in hosting or attending a SPRINT School, please contact Bob Buse (bob@doulosglobal.org).