Planting new churches among the least-reached and unreached people groups is a major priority of Doulos Global. Due to the hostile environments towards Christian ministry where these churches are planted, we are careful to protect identities. Here is a brief profile and report on several new works.
Pastor Marco in Cuba. We visited this fledgling work with our Team last year and are helping to establish this congregation. Churches cannot own property in Cuba, so new works meet wherever they can. >
< Pastor Richard in Uganda is working in a predominately Muslim area. He reports wonderful growth in the short time since he started.
v Pastor Erdem and his wife have a vision to reach Turkey, a nation with a total population of over 78 million and less than 15,000 true believers. They have started a weekly church service and do outreach in the city of Ankara including among the Gypsy community.
We are helping apostle Dawa in the northern regions of Nepal which border Tibet. Our brother is bearing fruit of new Christ followers being baptized in His Name. Doulos Global is now beginning to support brother Phudarke, a former monk, working in the Dolpa region among Tibetans.
Pastor Manju is establishing a new congregation in Bangalore, India among the Nepalese diaspora. She frequently returns to Nepal to minister and is continues to plant churches in remote areas of Nepal. Here she is speaking at a Women’s Conference in Nepal. v