Emerging Church

Written by Bob Buse

March 18, 2024

If one gives credence to the current research and what pollsters are saying related to faith and church in the USA, it would seem like things are in decline and have been for some time. The facts are, since the Covid Pandemic, church attendance has fallen even further: from 34% to 30%. Pastors I know share their personally experience which mirrors the national trend: the average church member now attends service about twice monthly. Many describe the present condition of our culture as “post-Christian.”

This reality would be discouraging if you were only looking through the lens of spiritual life in present day US of America. When you get outside our blessed country you will get a very different perspective: one that, I believe, is more in line with the plans and purposes of God revealed in scripture. The Church of Jesus Christ is emerging!

I recently returned from a six-week mission in Asia where I ministered in 6 different nations. All of these places are non-Christian countries. Almost all have restricted access to “missionaries” and severe persecution toward native followers of Christ. Yet, faith in Jesus is flourishing. It’s not only people coming to Christ for the first time, but a missional fervor that is blazing. The Church is participating with God in His Mission of sending workers into the harvest.

Here is one example: I remember 40 years ago praying for the Hindu Kingdom of Nepal where there were few known believers. Today, new churches are springing up all over. I spoke at a Missions Conference in the capital city of Kathmandu where the church raised the equivalent of over $10,000 to send more church planters and start new works. In Indonesia it is common for a church to have an accompanying Mission School for preparing and sending workers to Unreached People Groups. My point is this: the Church of Jesus Christ is alive and well and EMERGING in the world!

I was recently convicted by a conversation with a colleague lamenting the current condition of the Church in America. The Holy Spirit impressed on me the foolishness of slandering what Jesus has started, is leading and will ultimately win. There are three (3) indisputable facts concerning the Church which, if understood, could never lead us to think the Church could ever fail.

The Church is HIS BUILDING: Matthew 16 tells us Jesus WILL build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. We, as individual believers, are set in the Church as living stones, fitted and functioning as a Holy Temple (or habitation) of the Lord. This Temple Jesus is building will be more glorious than anything that ever preceded it.

The Church is HIS BODY. 1 Corinthians informs us that as individual members we are placed in the body as it pleases Him. As the Head, Jesus nourishes and cherishes each part of His Body, giving appropriate care and honor to even the least esteemed parts, until we grow together into the fullness of Christ – a perfect man.

The Church is HIS BRIDE. Ephesians 5 reveals Jesus, the Bridegroom, is preparing His Bride to be glorious, without spot or wrinkle, holy without blemish before Him in love. Jesus is jealous for His bride. I don’t think He takes lightly the disparaging of the “Apple of His Eye.” He is preparing her for Himself and the Marriage of the Lamb!

No matter what state or condition it may appear the Church is at, in any part of the world, let’s remember, our opinion doesn’t count for anything compared to what Jesus says about His Church: His Building, His Body, His Bride. The Church is not a man-made institution, managed by mortals, controlled by those who are called leaders. The Church has One Head, One Leader. He has all authority in heaven and on earth, for all time. Whatever He touches is precious. What He began, He will complete. It cannot fail.

I believe Jesus is restoring prestige and influence, honor to the Church here in the U.S. as He is in all the world.

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.” Isaiah 2:2,3

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