A Significant Life

Written by Bob Buse

February 16, 2024

Here I sit in an ordinary hotel room on the other side of the world, far removed from my home and all that is familiar. What is it that brings me here; keeps me here and continually moving forward to the next place; the next person? It is the life of a Sent One; an extraordinary life punctuated by divine appointments God has arranged each day.

Today I meet with a brother from Nepal who has planted a church among the Burmese in the city of Bangkok. Tomorrow I rendezvous with a woman; a native of Switzerland, sent from the U.S. to Thailand, using her creative gifts to serve the ex-pat community in Thailand. After that, I move on to Indonesia to train “sent ones” who are reaching unreached peoples in Southeast Asia.

This mission I have been on has been one divine appointment after another; completing one assignment after another. Such is the life of a Sent One; a life of adventure; surprises; new lessons to learn; expectation, anticipation for what God wants to say and do through an ordinary person like me.

The beautiful thing about this life I live… it’s for EVERYONE. We are all sent ones, catching up and completing the works our God has ordained for us to do before we were born (Eph.2:10). Our participation with Father God in His Mission gives meaning to life; time; purpose; relationships; all of our movements. Our antennas are always raised to discover the next God moment. We live in Kairos time!

Poet, Walt Whitman, in his famous poem,0 Me!0 Life!, describes the significant life beautifully. He laments the vanity of life and asks the meaning of it all. The answer: “That you are here-that life exists and identity, That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.” What will your verse be? What is your contribution. Are you ready to step up and deliver your part in the Master’s Grand Play; to sing or play your note in His great composition. Carpe Diem!

I am always inspired by the sent ones in the Bible who stepped up into their kairos moments. We consider them to have lived significant lives simply because they obeyed the Sender’s commission. People like Abraham, Moses, Samual and Elija; those in the New Testament, beginning with Jesus and continuing through the Twelve; Paul, Phillip, Peter, Ananias. All were sent on a mission; to divine appointments, with divine assignments. All were given authority to bring the Kingdom wherever the soles of their feet landed. Be stirred in your heart: you are one of their clan.

Each new day I awake with a simple prayer offering, “Here I am, Lord.” What new adventure do You have in store? Who are you sending me to? What is my assignment? I have this confidence, when my days are completed and I have finished my race, I will have left nothing undone of which the Lord has prepared for me. You are welcome to join me.

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